
Interlens is a professional association of about 35 contact lens institutes in Germany, which are specialized solely in contact lens fittings and do regular vocational training.

The VDCO “Vereinigung Deutscher Kontaktlinsenspezialisten und Optometristen” is the Association of German Contact Lens Specialists and Optometrists.

This is the private homepage of a keratoconus patient offering comprehensive information about this condition.

This is the homepage of a club aimed at providing people needing refractive surgery with prevention and rehabilitation. People seeking information as well as people who already had surgery can network in a forum and discuss advantages and disadvantages of the various surgical methods available.

This is a link to a Stuttgart-based company, which manufactures both glass and synthetic ocular prosthesis

The keratoconus self-help group is a privately initiated voluntary association of people who suffer from keratoconus and their relatives, independent of any association or institution.